Birgit Pauli-Haack

Birgit Pauli-Haack

Since 1998 Birgit Pauli-Haack has worked with nonprofits as a web developer, a technology strategist, a trainer and community organizer. She founded Pauli Systems, LC in 2002, now a team of six. It is a 100% distributed company. Since 2010, her team has used WordPress to build new nonprofit sites and applications.

In her spare time Birgit serves as deputy with the WordPress Global Community team, as a WordPress Meetup organizer and a Tech4Good organizer. She has been a Regional Netsquared Ambassador since 2015. In the same year, Birgit co-founded with like minded technology strategist the nonprofit organization NPTechProjects, Inc., helping nonprofits use technology to increase their impact. Alongside Jim O’Reilley, she co-hosts the podcast “What’s New in NPTech.”

Birgit is a native German. When not in front of a computer, she runs, plays tennis, or hangs out with friends. She and her husband of 25 year love to travel and visit city art museums.
