5 Great Reasons To Sponsor WordCamp Detroit

Yes, WordCamp Detroit is officially happening.

This is the local WordPress event of the year.

A WordCamp offers something for everyone; especially web developers, content producers, designers, hosting companies, SEO pros, UX strategists, and project managers.

We’ve waited 6 long years.

Did you know that this will be Detroit’s first WordCamp in 6 years? Yes, 6 years! And the excitement is real. April 28th cannot come fast enough.

Bringing together 100+ WordPress professionals and enthusiasts in one place for one weekend is hard work but it is worth doing.

So… how can I help?

You can volunteer, present a talk, buy a ticket, and share the news of this event on Social Media. Those are all helpful and great ways to get involved.

In order to keep this event affordable, the volunteer-led team relies on sponsorships from individuals and companies (large and small).

Sponsorship helps keep ticket prices low and keep the learning accessible to many. Sponsorships help pay for event space, food, videography and all of the supplies needed.

One of the best ways to support WordCamp is to become a sponsor.

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