Sponsor Spotlight : Pantheon

Pantheon WordPress Hosting

Pantheon is a website operations platform for WordPress (and Drupal!), running more than 200,000 sites in the cloud and serving over 10 billion pageviews a month. Our platform delivers the fastest, most secure platform for developing, testing, and hosting websites. Pantheon’s collaboration tools enable web teams to iterate on their websites daily and launch new campaigns and features regularly. Our customers include the United Nations, Cisco, SendGrid, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Why Sponsor WordCamp Detroit?

Pantheon believes in the open source community and its importance in the success of the WordPress project. From Pantheon founders’ roots as agency owners building open source projects, to organizing local events, sponsoring events is one way in which they strive to contribute to the community.

“WordCamps are such an important part of what makes WordPress unique among the open source world and we hope to help all WordCamps grow.”

Meet Pantheon at WordCamp Detroit

On Saturday, meet Pantheon’s Tessa Kriesel who is giving a talk on a very important subject for professional development: “Configuration Management: WordPress Configuration in Code

Learn more: Pantheon.io

Facebook: facebook.com/getpantheon

Twitter: @getpantheon

Thank you Pantheon for being a WordCamp Detroit Woodward Avenue sponsor!