A clear mind breaks the loop – Wellness while programming

OOP VS Dopamine Lead Programming

Do you remember when you wrote your first line of code? Or solved fizz-buzz? What about programming the Fibonacci sequence? I’m sure you felt like the smartest person that ever used an IDE (maybe replace with laptop). But how long did that feeling last? Maybe a few seconds – a minute, I’m sure it wasn’t a week, right? You went scurrying along to find the next “big thing” to crack. To prove to yourself that” I’m smart, I’m a programmer and I know things”! But did you realize that you were in a loop? Not a lame Do While loop or the far superior enhanced for loop, I’m talking the Dopamine Loop. Instead of learning how to break out of the infinite loop of (insert infinite loop prob) you are continually feeding the infinite Dopamine Loop. Dopamine is a chemical that is produced by the body that pretty much gives us a “gold star” for ever time we get something right. It helps us chase the next “gold star” but not the same gold star, oh no, this time the star must be bigger and brighter. Sounds a bit more powerful than the enhanced for-loop! With any loop, you need to create a break and step away from the computer. During my talk, we will discuss “breaking the loop” by

*Understanding Dopamine *Understanding Cortisol *How These Chemicals Interact with the Body *Mindful Work *Meditation *Taking Breaks
